DNSPark Ganti Nameserver Untuk Pengguna Gratisan

Tadi iseng Buka e-mail trus ada email dari DnsPark isinya pemberitahuan perubahan nameserver. Bagi anda yang menggunakan custom domain dan memakai fasilitas DNS dari dnspark secara gratis, diberikan waktu sampai 1 Agustus 2010 untuk segera mengganti nameserver. Ini khusus untuk pengguna gratisan bagi yang bayar nga usah bingung.

Name server sebelumnya adalah dns1.dnspark.net sekarang diganti menjadi fns1.dnspark.net tinggal ganti itu saja di settingan nameserver domain anda. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca e-mail dari DnsPark .

As part of our ongoing Continuous Improvement efforts, and as a follow-up action to the recent DDoS attacks our network has encountered, we are rolling out additional layers of redundancy and reliability. A vital piece of this initiative is to separate off and "insulate" aspects of our core services to prevent service issues with one from affecting another. To that end, we are migrating all Free DNS Hosting services to their own "Free" nameservers, per the specifications below. You have until AUGUST 1, 2010, to update the authoritative nameservers at your registrar per the specifications below, after which time, all other DNS Park nameservers will stop answering for Free services. We believe this infrastructure change will isolate our core Paid DNS Hosting services, allow us to respond to network events more effectively, and allow us to continue providing our Free DNS Hosting services to the non-mission-critical user who needs reliable DNS Hosting.

Currently, the NS records in your Free DNS Hosting domains, and all future Free DNS Hosting domains are assigned to the new Free Nameservers, and the zones have been updated to reflect the new NS records for you. You will need to update your registrar with the new NS records for each domain listed below. Some registrars require IP addresses as well and they are listed below for your convenience. If your registrar does not request the IP address, you can ignore that information. If you have Paid services in your account, they are unaffected and will remain on the nsX.dnspark.net nameservers. If you have already updated your registrar to point to the DNS servers listed below, please disregard this update.

Account ID: XXXXXX
Account Email: F****@gmail.com
Service Type: Free DNS Hosting and Free Base DNS Hosting
Affected Domains: " buditech.com"
New Nameservers:
fns1.dnspark.net -
fns2.dnspark.net -
Deadline: AUGUST 01, 2010

Just a reminder - Free services are not covered by our Service Level Agreement, and are not entitled to Technical Support, so please don't open a ticket related to this update, as our Technical Support Team will be unable to assist you. If it has been a while since you accessed your account, and you don't have your account credentials, please use the 'Forgot Your Password' link at https://www.dnspark.net/ to reset and retrieve your password. The account email address is listed above and is also the one this update is addressed to. If you need to open a ticket related to this update, please include your login name & domain so our Support Team can most effectively respond. Tickets that do not include the login name and domain will be delayed.

While many DNS Hosting providers have stopped providing free hosting, we are committed to providing free, reliable, DNS Hosting to those who need it. We are equally committed to continually improving our infrastructure and adapting it to best fit the needs of our paying customers. This upgrade to our infrastructure is a step in helping us attain both of those goals. We appreciate that you trust us to host your DNS and look forward to offering an even more reliable service in the future.
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  1. SADIYAN22/7/10

    Iya saya juga sudah dapet e-mailnya...jangan2 fasilitas freenya akan dihapus

  2. thanks for share. wait for more article

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  3. saya masih blm bisa2 settingnya...
    mohon bantuannya????

    send pesan
    terimakasih bnyk atas bantuannya
